Saturday, October 18, 2008

Hippie Butter Sale on eBay

We are having a 5% Off Sale on all our Hemp products we sell on eBay. Plus everyone can get an additional 2% discount if they join our Rewards Program, with a 5% discount every time they come back and use our store.
Hippie Butter's eBay Store

There are alway great sales going on at our main website.

We have updated and added more Squidoo Lenses about Hemp and the people who fight for Industrial Hemp.
Hippie Butter Squidoo Bio

Thursday, October 16, 2008

Brand New Squidoo about Hemp Food Products

We are at it again, creating Squidoo Lenses for everyone to read and learn about Hemp Seed Food Products. This is only the first draft of this lens, so don't forget to tag it so you will be able to read all the new information that will soon come.

New Squidoo Lens: Hemp Food Products -

Here is our main Squidoo Lens Master Bio

Please help spread the knowledge of Hemp Seeds!

Friday, October 10, 2008

Hippie Butter has a new updated website

We launch a brand new website with more information about Hemp and Hemp Seeds, more Hemp and Hemp Seed Products and better shipping prices. Stop by this weekend and buy some Hemp to help save the world.

New Hippie Butter Online Store

Peace, Love and Hippie Butter

Updated Squidoo Lenses

Hippie Butter has updated many of our great Hemp, Hemp Seed and Hemp Seeds Squidoo Lenses.

Check out the updated Lenses below.

Learn about George Clayton Johnson

George Clayton Johnson (1929- ) was born and brought up in rural Wyoming during the Depression. From a poor family, his mother an alcoholic, he spent much of his youth in an orphanage and fairly little in school -- but he loved to read. His reading interests ranged from Shakespeare to pulp magazines, and it was there that he discovered Ray Bradbury.

Learn more about George Clayton Johnson

Monday, October 6, 2008

Learn about Jack Herer - The Emperor of Hemp

Jack Herer (born 1939) is the author of The Emperor Wears No Clothes (several editions since c.1985), a book which has been used in efforts to decriminalize cannabis.

Squidoo Lens about Jack Herer

Help Save Eddy Lepp

Eddy is scheduled to appear in court Dec.2, 2008 to face possibly two life sentences. We hope you will take the time to write the judge and ask for leniency in Eddy's sentencing.
Here is a sample letter that we ask all concerned to please sign or write your own and send to Judge Patel. This only takes a few minutes and costs you only 42 cents. Please help.

More Information about Eddy Lepp and The Sample Letter

Wednesday, October 1, 2008

Hippie Butter Guide To Hemp Products

We have been working very hard on our Squidoo Lenses about hemp and hemp seeds.

Jack Herer Squidoo - Emperor of Hemp

Hippie Butter Guide To Hemp Products

Hippie Butter's Hemp Seed Recipes

Industrial Hemp Squidoo Lens

Enjoy learning what they didn't teach you in school.

Peace, Love and Hippie Butter