Monday, December 15, 2008

Hippie Butter is proud to present Holly G.

This is the new sale flier for Holly G - The Official Hippie Butter Spokes Model. There is a coupon code worth 5% Off everything in the store if you use hollyg during check out.

Thursday, December 11, 2008

How To Fight Dry Itchy Winter Skin

Every winter I used to get really bad dry itchy skin that would not go away with normal store bought petroleum based products. I started using Hemp Seed Oil products and now my skin feels great, moisturized and I look forwards to winter time again.

Please read my steps below for soft itch free skin.

I hope this Squidoo Lens helps everyone with the same skin problems.

All the products I use everyday to Fight Dry Skin can be found at Hippie Butter Online Store.

For more Hippie Butter Squidoo Lenses.

Tuesday, December 2, 2008

Hippie Butter Holiday Hemp Sale

Hippie Butter is having a 5% Off Sale for the Christmas Holiday. Everything in our online store is 5% off when you use the coupon code "MJR08".
Hemp Products are the perfect holiday gift, because all our products are made with Hemp Seeds which are high in Vitamins, Minerals and Essential Fatty Acids.

Our Products won't get you high but they will make you healthy!

Peace, Love and Hippie Butter
Hippie Butter's eBay Store

Saturday, November 1, 2008

Updat​ed our websi​te with pictu​res of Holly​ G

Hey MySpace Friends

We have been working hard on our website for the Holiday Rush. In honor of Marijuana Radio we have created a 5% Discount.
5% Coupon Code: MJR08

Big News
Holly G -aka Ganja Girl took some great photos with Hippie Butter Products and we are using them on our website. Thank You Holly G.

Check out our new website and all our great Hemp Seed Products at:

Peace, Love and Hippie Butter

Saturday, October 18, 2008

Hippie Butter Sale on eBay

We are having a 5% Off Sale on all our Hemp products we sell on eBay. Plus everyone can get an additional 2% discount if they join our Rewards Program, with a 5% discount every time they come back and use our store.
Hippie Butter's eBay Store

There are alway great sales going on at our main website.

We have updated and added more Squidoo Lenses about Hemp and the people who fight for Industrial Hemp.
Hippie Butter Squidoo Bio

Thursday, October 16, 2008

Brand New Squidoo about Hemp Food Products

We are at it again, creating Squidoo Lenses for everyone to read and learn about Hemp Seed Food Products. This is only the first draft of this lens, so don't forget to tag it so you will be able to read all the new information that will soon come.

New Squidoo Lens: Hemp Food Products -

Here is our main Squidoo Lens Master Bio

Please help spread the knowledge of Hemp Seeds!

Friday, October 10, 2008

Hippie Butter has a new updated website

We launch a brand new website with more information about Hemp and Hemp Seeds, more Hemp and Hemp Seed Products and better shipping prices. Stop by this weekend and buy some Hemp to help save the world.

New Hippie Butter Online Store

Peace, Love and Hippie Butter

Updated Squidoo Lenses

Hippie Butter has updated many of our great Hemp, Hemp Seed and Hemp Seeds Squidoo Lenses.

Check out the updated Lenses below.

Learn about George Clayton Johnson

George Clayton Johnson (1929- ) was born and brought up in rural Wyoming during the Depression. From a poor family, his mother an alcoholic, he spent much of his youth in an orphanage and fairly little in school -- but he loved to read. His reading interests ranged from Shakespeare to pulp magazines, and it was there that he discovered Ray Bradbury.

Learn more about George Clayton Johnson

Monday, October 6, 2008

Learn about Jack Herer - The Emperor of Hemp

Jack Herer (born 1939) is the author of The Emperor Wears No Clothes (several editions since c.1985), a book which has been used in efforts to decriminalize cannabis.

Squidoo Lens about Jack Herer

Help Save Eddy Lepp

Eddy is scheduled to appear in court Dec.2, 2008 to face possibly two life sentences. We hope you will take the time to write the judge and ask for leniency in Eddy's sentencing.
Here is a sample letter that we ask all concerned to please sign or write your own and send to Judge Patel. This only takes a few minutes and costs you only 42 cents. Please help.

More Information about Eddy Lepp and The Sample Letter

Wednesday, October 1, 2008

Hippie Butter Guide To Hemp Products

We have been working very hard on our Squidoo Lenses about hemp and hemp seeds.

Jack Herer Squidoo - Emperor of Hemp

Hippie Butter Guide To Hemp Products

Hippie Butter's Hemp Seed Recipes

Industrial Hemp Squidoo Lens

Enjoy learning what they didn't teach you in school.

Peace, Love and Hippie Butter

Thursday, September 25, 2008

Hemp Seed Banana Bread

1/2 Cup Prairie Emerald Hemp Oil
1/2 Cup honey
1 beaten egg
2 mashed bananas
1 1/2 cups unbleached white flour
1/2 cup Prarie Emerald Hemp Flour
1 teaspoon baking powder
1 teaspoon salt
3/4 Cup Hemp Seed Nuggets
1 teaspoon vanilla extract

Preparation Steps
Cream together the oil and sweetener. Combine the eggs and banana, and blend into the sweet mixture. Sift together the flour, salt and baking powder. Add the Hemp Nuggets and vanilla and mix well. Bake at 350° F. for 1 to 11/4 hours until a toothpick comes out clean.

More recipes can be found on our Hippie Butter Hemp Seed Recipe Squidoo Lens or at our eBay Store.

Monday, September 22, 2008

A Hippie Butter Reminder

Everyone at Hippie Butter wants you to remember that we are here to make you look and feel better. If you ever have any questions, send us an email and one of us will email you back shortly.
Stop by our online store selling Hemp Products or if you are an eBay addict, like us, check out our eBay Hemp Store.

We now have a couple of Squidoo Lenses that we are working on daily.

Hippie Butter's Lens Master Link
Hippie Butter's Guide To Hemp Products
Hippie Butter's Hemp Seed Recipe Lens

Peace, Love and Hippie Butter

Friday, September 19, 2008

Hippie Butter has Squidoo Lenses

Hippie Butter has written some squidoo Lenses, please take some time out of your busy day and learn how to become a better Hippie.

Squidoo is the world's most popular site for building free, single pages about your passions.
Highlight books, blogs, vids, online shops, or just spread the word about stuff you love. Bonus: you raise money (for you or charity) at the same time. It's fast, free, and supereasy. Click the images below to browse just a handful of our coolest lenses.

Hippie Butter's Lens Master Page

Hippie Butter Guide

Hippie Butter Recipes

Hemp Seeds Lens

We will be updating all our Squidoo Lenses frequently.

Monday, September 15, 2008

Hippie Butter Hemp Seed Pesto Recipe

Hemp Seed Pesto Sauce Recipe

4 Tablespoons Hemp Seed Crunch or Hemp Seed Nuggets
6 Tablespoons Olive Oil
1/2 cup Fresh Coriander
1 Garlic Clove

Preparation Steps
Grind hemp seeds if using Hemp Seed Crunch
Blend all ingredients in food processor, add additional oil as needed

Use wherever pesto is called for
serves 4

Thank You "Deb Hippie Ryan" for this excellent hemp seed recipe.

Hippie Butter's Official Hemp Website

Monday, September 8, 2008

Short Message About Hemp

Let's say you were the lead character in a Twilight Zone given the choice of destroying every plant on earth but one. What plant would you choose to survive? A tree? Mankind is dead, construction materials but not enough sustenance or medical use. Tomatoes? Dead, pasta sauce but no pasta. Cotton? Nice clothes, starving dead bodies. I'm afraid only one plant would provide sustainable energy, food, clothing, and medicine to keep mankind alive, giving our species not only a chance at survival but a nice little buzz to keep the day rolling. You can guess what it is. Any other choice would be specicide, which is what we've got now, an entire species deliberately killing itself.

Like it or not, the scientific results are in. Hemp is the most useful plant on the planet earth, providing clothing, shelter, food, soap, and medicine of unparalleled quality and safety. The argument isn't that it should be treated like any other addiction. The argument isn't that it's harmless. The argument is that it's good for you in absolutely every possible way. You should be wearing it, building things out of it, washing in it, using it for fuel, eating it and smoking it - exploiting its every potential - and anyone who says otherwise is either totally deluded, a gullible idiot, or corrupt and on the take from the billion dollar a year drug war industry.

Hippie Butter Hemp Seed Nugget Oatmeal Cookie Recipe

Hemp Seed Nugget Oatmeal Cookies

1 Cup firmly packed Brown Sugar
1 Egg
1/2 Cup Hemp Seed oil, preferably Prairie Emerald™ Hemp Oil
1/2 Cup Unsweetened Applesauce
1 Teaspoon Vanilla
3/4 Cup Prairie Emerald™ Hemp Flour
1/2 Cup all-purpose flour
1 Teaspoon Baking Soda
1/2 Teaspoon Salt
2 Cups Quaker Oats (quick or old fashioned, uncooked)
1/4 - 1/2 Cup Hemp Nuggets™ Hulled Hemp Seeds

Preparation Steps
Heat oven to 350ºF. In large bowl, beat brown sugar, egg, Hemp Seed oil, applesauce and vanilla on medium speed of electric mixer until combined. Add combined flours, baking soda and salt; beat on low speed just until blended. Stir in oats and Hemp Seed Nuggets.
Drop dough by level measuring tablespoonfuls about 2 inches apart onto ungreased cookie sheets.
Bake 9 to 10 minutes, until light brown. (Do not overbake. Centers will appear soft.) Cool 1 to 2 minutes on cookie sheets; transfer to wire racks. Cool completely. Store tightly covered.

Preparation Time: 20 Minutes
Cook Time: 9 Minutes
Time to Table: 29 Minutes
Recipe Yield: About 36 Cookies

Saturday, August 30, 2008

Hippie Butter News

Everyone at Hippie Butter has been working very hard on a few interesting projects. We have updated and added a lot of great information about our favorite plant on We will have a new recipe in the next "Far Out Magazine", it will be a Hemp Nugget Oatmeal Cookie, Yummy. I will post the recipe here in a few days.
Our Hippie Butter Hemp Hand Cream was a big hit at this years Seattle Hemp Fest. Everyone who tried it loved it and we have been getting many order for it in the last few weeks.
Thanks again for reading the Hippie Butter Blog

Peace, Love and Hippie Butter
Hemp Seed Oil Products - Food, Protein Powder, Hair Products, Hand and Body Lotion, Soap.

Tuesday, July 22, 2008

New eBay Store Pages

We have been working very hard, adding new pages of hemp information for our customers to read at our eBay Store.

eBay My World is a great place to find out about Hippie Butter.

The Hippie Butter Guide a complete guide to Hippie Butter.

Hemp Seed Information There is a lot of great information about Hemp Seeds in this Hippie Butter Guide.

Hemp Seed Recipes learn how to prepare healthy food with Hippie Butter Products

Monday, July 21, 2008

More Hemp Information Coming Soon

We want to let all our customers know that we are working hard on adding more pages to our Hippie Butter Website. We will be adding more information, more sales, more products and better deals. Look for our new pages coming soon. We are also adding a new Great Deal Page to our eBay Store. Please join one of our newsletter and get a 5% off coupon every month.

Friday, July 18, 2008

New website with lots of hemp information a place to learn even more about how hemp can save the world. I also found a fun little site that anyone can post a Logo and get a Link to a website of their choice for FREE. add or find great different websites.

Monday, July 14, 2008

Marijuana Radio Shout Out

Every Tuesday Marijuana Radio does an excellent show about all things Cannabis. Host Paul and Co-Hosts Mckenna (Miss High Times) and Dan K are some of the best hosts on air, talking about some of the toughest subjects of our time.
Well Hippie Butter wants to thank Marijuana Radio for giving us a shout out on last weeks show. They LOVE our Hippie Butter Hemp Hand and Body Lotion!

Click on the link below to hear the show.

Thanks again Marijuana Radio, Marijuana Radio TV and Staff for all your help.

Wednesday, July 2, 2008

Far Out Magazine Recipe Issue

We are proud to announce that we have submitted two recipes to Far Out Magazine for their "Volume One - Issue Two", available at the end of July.

Far Out Magazine is for peace, freedom, love and creating the life they want using positive action for change. And, there is a lot that needs changing in this world. Far Out Magazine isn't trying to be confrontational about it, but they not going to apologize for their stands either. Gandhi once said, "Be the change you wish to see in the world."

Saturday, May 10, 2008

The importance of the ratio of omega-6/omega-3 essential fatty acids

The Center for Genetics, Nutrition and Health, Washington, DC 20009, USA.

Several sources of information suggest that human beings evolved on a diet with a ratio of omega-6 to omega-3 essential fatty acids (EFA) of approximately 1 whereas in Western diets the ratio is 15/1-16.7/1. Western diets are deficient in omega-3 fatty acids, and have excessive amounts of omega-6 fatty acids compared with the diet on which human beings evolved and their genetic patterns were established. Excessive amounts of omega-6 polyunsaturated fatty acids (PUFA) and a very high omega-6/omega-3 ratio, as is found in today's Western diets, promote the pathogenesis of many diseases, including cardiovascular disease, cancer, and inflammatory and autoimmune diseases, whereas increased levels of omega-3 PUFA (a low omega-6/omega-3 ratio) exert suppressive effects. In the secondary prevention of cardiovascular disease, a ratio of 4/1 was associated with a 70% decrease in total mortality. A ratio of 2.5/1 reduced rectal cell proliferation in patients with colorectal cancer, whereas a ratio of 4/1 with the same amount of omega-3 PUFA had no effect. The lower omega-6/omega-3 ratio in women with breast cancer was associated with decreased risk. A ratio of 2-3/1 suppressed inflammation in patients with rheumatoid arthritis, and a ratio of 5/1 had a beneficial effect on patients with asthma, whereas a ratio of 10/1 had adverse consequences. These studies indicate that the optimal ratio may vary with the disease under consideration. This is consistent with the fact that chronic diseases are multigenic and multifactorial. Therefore, it is quite possible that the therapeutic dose of omega-3 fatty acids will depend on the degree of severity of disease resulting from the genetic predisposition. A lower ratio of omega-6/omega-3 fatty acids is more desirable in reducing the risk of many of the chronic diseases of high prevalence in Western societies, as well as in the developing countries, that are being exported to the rest of the world.

More information about Hemp Seeds

Hemp seeds come from an edible type of Cannabis sativa, a plant belonging to the same family as hops and fig trees. Hemp has been cultivated for over 6000 years, far longer than crops like soy beans have. This useful plant also provides a resistant textile fibre and renders a high-quality oil.

Hemp seed is exceptionally nourishing and beneficial. It is rich in proteins, and contains 30% to 50 % more protein than fish does. It also provides anti-oxides, including cysteine, carotene (Vitamin A) and tocopherols (Vitamin E). These substances act together to hydrate and restore dry skin and help to maintain healthy eyes and cell membranes.

Hemp is the source of a polyunsaturated oil that is rich in the essential fatty acids (EFAs) Omega 3 and Omega 6. The body does not synthesize these beneficial fats, and ordinary diets are often lacking in Omega 3. These two EFAs work together in synergy and one cannot be activated without the other. In hemp oil the proportion of these two fats to one another is 3:1, an ideal ratio from a nutritional viewpoint for their optimal use in the body. EFAs help to prevent or relieve inflammation problems, arthritis, asthma, osteoporosis, cardio-vascular disease and hormonal disturbances linked to menopause, These substances play a role in preventing autoimmune diseases, overweight and cancer.

Hemp seed also contains considerable quantities of iron and calcium, as well as other minerals. It does not contain THC, the psychoactive substance found in marijuana. It is also free of saturated fats, cholesterol and gluten. Hemp seed on its own provides nutritional and nutraceutic benefits that can be matched only by a combination of several different foods or supplements.

Culinary uses

Hemp seeds are delicious tasting and can be used very similarly to wheat germ, sesame seeds, sunflower seeds or pine nuts. Hemp seeds can be sprinkled on salads, soups, hot or cold breakfast cereals, granola, yoghurt, sauces, pesto, dips, pancakes, and pastries. It is preferable to eat hemp seeds raw. If they are cooked, they should not be heated to temperatures higher 180°C/350°F. After a package or jar of hemp has been opened, the contents keep for 3 to 4 months at room temperature and for up to a year in the refrigerator.